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Australia headhunting top tech talent for permanent residency

Global Talent Officers to recruit 5000 skilled migrants.

A newly established scheme will see Australia actively seeking out overseas talent, rather than waiting for it to come knocking. As the federal government plan to ramp-up efforts to attract top talent such as senior technology leaders, researchers, developers and experts to permanently migrate to Australia.

The scheme which is known as the ‘global talent independent program’ (GTIP) was launched in June 2019.  According to Home Affairs, the GTIP scheme is “designed to attract skilled migrants at the top of their profession to Australia. The program will bring the best talent from around the world.”

The government is deploying recruitment officers overseas with the task of recruiting 5,000 professionals at the top of their fields in target industries, particularly the tech sector.

Home Affairs Global Talent Officers will be placed in key overseas locations to seek out the very best people in high growth industries, and encourage them to come to Australia to help grow those industries.

The program will sit separately to the ‘global talent – employer sponsored program’ (GTES), which was made permanent last week after a 12-month pilot period.

About the Author

Elaine has been the Customer Success Director at SDP Solutions since 2012 and brings over 14 years of experience in Marketing & Communications. At SDP Solutions, she is dedicated to ensuring client satisfaction and success. Elaine excels in corporate and client account management, contractor care, HR management, and payroll. Her strategic approach and deep understanding of client needs help foster strong relationships and deliver tailored solutions, significantly contributing to the growth and success of SDP Solutions.